Monday, August 11, 2008


In contemplating what the future of this once great country of ours is, it came to me this morning we are headed back to the days of Jimmy Carter, with sweaters, unemployment, inflation and stupidity!

If the American public is truly stupid enough to elect Barrak Hussein Obama our president then they should be stupid enough to elect me. You see at least I have handled budgets of several million dollars and dealt with these idiots in D.C.

What experience does a state senator, who wanted to prosecute a man for protecting his family with his legally-registered handgun and who has been a "community activist" and hangs out with the Reverend Wright have to be our Commander in Chief?


Perhaps friends, it's time that we all converted our money to gold and went to the backwoods to retire.

By the way, I am not a John McCain fan either. He is an old and I mean old in the sense of the word, non-inspirational, angry man.

My vote: "None of the Above."

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