Wednesday, June 23, 2010

PBO Dumps The General

From the Back of Eddy Creek Bay - Tranquilla 2 --- Some of you will be shocked by this but I agree with the President's decision to accept the resignation of the General. Frankly, I would have fired him.

"Gen. Stanley McChrystal, under fire for comments made in a Rolling Stone profile, has resigned as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan. Gen. David Petraeus, presently head of the U.S. Central Command, which oversees the operation in Afghanistan, has been nominated to take over the position but must first face Senate confirmation hearings."

First, like him or not the President is the Commander in Chief. If you have ever been in or associated with the military you know there is a chain of command. The General knows this as does his staff. You always show respect for your command - if you can't you keep your mouth shut when dealing with the press and deal with these issues behind closed doors or you find another job.

Second, although I think this is a strategic mistake in the "War of Terror" excuse me "An Overseas Engagement", because for this action you need a General who has earned his stars in the covert world, you also need a unified front of respect from top down.

Third, any aide-de-camp that was dumb enough to allow Rolling Stone near his commander should have been fired and rightly was. That also goes for all his staff who had diarrhea of the mouth. However, any General that does not have enough media savvy to understand that a writer for RS would not be out to do him and his command in is naive at best.

General we thank you for your service. You are a decent and honorable man that allowed your staff to screw things up. Your staff is under your command and they are your responsibility. Go now knowing that many of us still believe you to be a man of honor and integrity. In civilian life coming out fighting for us all.

Do I think PBO really knows what he is doing as CIC? Well, let's see how he handles this latest crisis. Harry Truman he is not - CIC he still is.

Simper Fi, Dr. Darryl

1 comment:

Domain registration said...

Really a well written post and you have described everything very clearly.