Monday, October 1, 2007

Give me a break! My assessment of ALL the reprobates running for office.

So, Hillary RODHAM Clinton has decided that every child born during her term of as President should get $5000. Well, I have two words for Hillary RODHAM Clinton – Get a LIFE!

By the way what is the American electorate thinking if they even remotely consider this a viable option? Have we not outlawed the “buying” of votes? Will every illegal alien born here get $5k for the privilege of being born in the USA? Will Bill Gate’s kids get $5k?

Listen Hillary, and any other politician Republican or Democrat that thinks this type of pandering has a place in American politics, I am NOT paying any more taxes for your foolish crap. Repubicans? Remember the Medicare drug fiasco you laid on us?

All of you are reprobates. If you don’t know the definition look it up!

So, what do I think of the Presidential candidates?

Clinton – An avowed socialist that I wouldn’t trust with this country as far as I could throw her. The military vote alone, hopefully, will defeat her. Beside she has fat ankles. We had Bill Clinton, remember?

By the way I liked Bill and overall he wasn’t a bad president – he should have just told the truth when he got caught getting a BJ from Monica and in his best acting voice begged forgiveness from the taxpayers after telling us that he was forced to Monica’s arms because Hillary is so cold, distant and unavailable– after all we paid for the office where he had his rendezvous – and we would have all understood – imagine Hillary satisfying Bill in any way?

Some say she might be the anti-C. I don't know about that but she most likely will be the Democrats nominee – they got enough sleaze again (see Hsu's latest news clippings) to pull it off – gawd help us though if anyone gets elected with such ideas.

Factoid: Hillary's $5k proposal would cost $20 BILLION per year of our taxes to pay for this idea!

Obama – He’s from Chicago for Christ sake! Enough said. Besides we have already had a black President and he was pretty damn good for a good ole redneck from Arkansas.

Edwards – Go home and take care of your wife. Show some compassion on the home front before you carry your $400 haircut and that multi-million dollar mansion you are building on the road and talk to the “poor people” about compassion. JFK and RFK – well you have as much or maybe more money they have but your heart, Johnny Boy – you just ain’t got it.

Biden --- Actually you have some interesting ideas for a liberal, progressive verging on a socialist. However, plagiarism will always be hung around your neck. Dead in the water.

Dodd – Dead in the water. Who knows you and who cares? Not an original thought in years.

Gravel --- Never had a President from Alaska and won’t this time either. A few good lines in the debate. Dead in the water. Go back to feeding the pork and building highways and bridges to no where.

Kucinich --- Lost in the 60s Dennis my boy. You know I fell in love in Cleveland. The first real love of my life. It didn’t work out either. Hope you can get re-elected Senator you gonna need a job.

Richardson – Time came and went Billy Boy. Actually I kind of like you as a person. However, you couldn’t clean up DOE why should I believe you could cleanup the USA?

Gore – Not even declared but the liberal leftistisas would love for you to run, however, you will get your well-fed behind beat again. Stay with the global warming gig Al. Hell, you get to ride around on your private jet, live in mansions, have Secret Service agents fawn all over you. What more could you want? Oh, yeah I forgot the presidency. Sorry silver spoon boy, you ain’t got a shot. And please stop saying your from Tennesee.

Republican candidates

Oh yes, I am not forgetting you.

Brownback – Dead in the water and didn’t even get started.

Giuliani – The World’s Mayor? Come now. Rudy was swirling down the drain until 911 came along. Scandals and divorces, His kids don’t like ‘em. Can’t trust him to support the 2nd amendment. Flip and flops – not a true conservative. Probably will be a contender but not because I am supporting him. Most likely the nominee though.

Huckabee – He’s from Arkansas. Enough said. Dead in the water.

Hunter – He’s from Ca. and claims to be a conservative? Probably got some conservative ideas. Not electable. Certainly not a Ronald Reagan.

Keyes – One smart black guy. I like Alan but I assure you he will never get elected to much of anything. Not black enough Alan my man.

McCain --- One angry man from Az. POW, war hero and single-handed stopped funding for searching for the POW-MIAs. Didn’t know that did you? Says the right things, has some conservative ideas but you screwed up on the campaign finance reform. No way Jose.

Paul – Conservative? Republican? Naw, some kind of Libertarian. Kind of like Ron my man. Like what you have to say about standing firm on the Constitution. Like your position on the Patriot Act. However, they “New World Order” will never allow someone like you to get elected.
Romney --- A Mormon. No way I see him getting nominated and certainly not elected. Started the socialization of health care when he was Governor – and now has the audacity to criticize Hillary Rodham?

Tancredo - Who?

Thompson – I like you Fred. You even had a date with a friend of mine at TVA and she liked you too. Have even give you money. However, you probably don’t have the momentum to overcome Rudy the "Mayor of the World". However, your my kind of guy.

Bottom-line folks. We are in a world of hurt. Taxpayers, we are screwed in more ways than one, especially if the Democrats are elected. And if the Republicans are elected, well we are just delaying it --- however, I suspect they will kiss us before they do the deed.

Now you know my opinion!

Until next time.

Dr. Darryl
L. Darryl Armstrong
ARMSTRONG and Associates
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