Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Tybee Prom

(First photo) Kay and Vince share a laugh.

(Second photo) - "The Three Amigos" Mr. Doug "Blues Brothers" Toemeck, Darryl "Sir James Bond," Vince "The Quintessential Southern Gentleman" Merkle.

(Third photo) Mr. Doug, "Miss Lil" Toemeck, Kay and Susan Martin

(Fourth photo) Vince getting instructions on "bow tie" tying.

(Fifth photo) Kay, Mr. Doug (in the background), Miss Lil (standing) Vince and "Miss Junie" Merkle - our gracious landlords and friends

From Chateau Amoire on Tybee Island ---It has been 41 years since I went to my high school prom with dear friend Faye Stromatt. I was a shy "geek" kind of guy in school always too insecure to ask for a date.

I returned to my youth last weekend when I went to the Tybee Island Prom sponsored by the Tybee Island Beautification Committee, a talented group of volunteers who work diligently and hard to make the island attractive year-round.

However, this prom was one that I could truly enjoy.

I didn't worry about seeing whomever else was there, or what my hair looked like - I am purposefully bald these days, or even what I wore - I supported the only kilt and bow tie and tuxedo shirt at the ball.

I didn't worry about the fact that I don't dance very well - hell I don't dance much anyway and this did help me understand the interest I would have in taking dance lessons.

I did enjoy not having to worry and fret about all the silly high school stuff we used to worry about. I simply went and visited with friends that were vacationing on the island and my neighbors and my friends from the Tybee Dog Park.

I finally realized that at 58 moving toward 59 years of age that I could be me, at least here on this island that sports the most Eastern point of Georgia, and no one cared what I wore, how I danced or what I drank.

It was fun, relaxing and refreshing and peer pressure unlike high school simply didn't exist.

Why do you suppose it takes us maturing to finally let our defenses and insecurities down and not be concerned about what others think?

Good night Mrs. Calabash where ever you are, sorry you couldn't be here.

LPG, Dr. D

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