Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stimpy - Health issues

Tybee Island, GA --- My heart aches so much today.

Most of you know if you have read this blog in the past, that Stimpy, my wolf/husky mix and I are tightly bonded. And most of you know that I am a pragmatic and realize as my dear friend Bert told me many years ago “All dogs will die and go to heaven.”

I have helped many of my friends through the passing of their beloved pets. Now, I fear I will sooner than I wish find myself faced with the same set of circumstances.

We are at Tybee Island, Ga. and for that I am thankful. They have good vets and vet techs here next door in Savannah.

Here is the story.

You see two days ago in a routine bath, something that Stimpy really doesn’t much care for; Kay found two lumps on his rear end. We had noticed in the past few days he was straining to go to the bathroom. I encouraged her to take him to the vet. Taking Stimpy to the vet is something I have done only once when we lived in Oak Ridge. Vets are like all doctors to me I don’t like them and I don’t like to be around them nor does Stimpy.

Thankfully Kay has always assumed this responsibility. I also confess I can’t stand needles, the smell of alcohol, and all the other stuff that comes with the medical world. I also can’t stand to see Stimpy wince when he has to give blood since I don’t give blood so well myself.

The vet is taking a biopsy this morning following several hours of tests and stuff yesterday. If this mass they have found is a polyp, which would be the best of circumstances, then we will simply have it removed quickly. If it is cancerous, although we are assured they have an excellent surgeon on staff, all sorts of other considerations have to be taken into account such as his general health, quality of life after the surgery, and his own needs.

I am most of the time a realist. When it came to Stimpy I even acknowledged to myself earlier this year that his time, just like mine, was running out. That’s why I brought Max into the pack hoping beyond hope that somehow his insertion into the family would make this easier on me. It hasn’t. It can’t. And it’s not his fault. In fact, Little Bit and Max both know and are responding to my feelings trying to make me more comfortable and feel their love. For that I am thankful.

However, it does not take away from me the horrible gut wrenching pain and sadness that I feel for my beloved Stimpy and his current condition.

Kay has returned this morning to the vet’s office to have the biopsy done. She asked if I wanted to go. I chose not to. I told her I didn’t even want to know the results from today. I simply wanted to know the biopsy results.

Like most guys I am trying my best to be “brave for him” and for Kay but it is not working very well. Thankfully Kay is the stronger of the two of us when it comes to this situation.

Sadly, it seems that this holiday season has brought all my grief that I have stored up for decades back to me to reflect upon. I am finally acknowledging and trying to deal with the feelings of loss about Bert, Donna, Sue, Weldon, Mom and Dad, Doug and just last week Mr. Charlie and now I fear soon we will have to add my beloved Stimpy.

I am going to stop writing now. This has been therapeutic for me.

I have two other “boys” here that want a walk and I need time away from this for a while. But now you know what’s going on.

Your prayers for Stimpy would be appreciated. I will keep everyone posted on how things are progressing as my ability to sit and write about all this evolves over the next few days.

Until next time.

Dr. Darryl
L. Darryl Armstrong

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take comfort in the joy you and Stimpy have given each other throughout the years. He's been a tireless companion and loyal friend, and right now he needs to see you look at him with that glimmer of love in your eye. He is probably scared, too, and could use your support. That means you will need the love and support of your erect primate friends. You can count on it. Much love from The Us Show, CJ & David