Thursday, January 31, 2008

An interview with Dr. Darryl Part 5

HJDS - What's on your mind these days?

DrD - Well, I drove to Florida the last two days. I like to drive and think and listen to the radio and meet people on the road. I always get an education about human nature. The driving time allows me alone time.Sadly this trip --- well, my intuition tells me that the days with Stimpy are getting shorter. The ole man is getting harder to get up and walk. He grows skinnier it seems to me each day. Being away from him bothers me since I believe we are now in the downward spiral. Yet, even so he continues to teach me about life and death and the circle that we all complete.

This evening in Florida the weather looks bad and is turning worse. we have tornado warnings out and everyone seems to be tense.

Otherwise what's on my mind?

Well, I fear for the future of our country. I simply don't see how anyone could believe either of the two Democrat candidates have enough experience to even run my business let alone the country. I find John McCain to be any angry old Republican establishment kind of guy and Romney can't get any traction. And Ron Paul is the equivalent of a caricature of George McGovern warpped in a Republican blanket. What are we to do with such a sad selection of leaders?

Sometimes I feel depressed thinking how hard we have worked to be able to retire and enjoy our remaining years only to see my government suck my retirement investments away in taxes and bloated budgets to run the government!

And that Mr. Stimpson is what I think about these days ;-)

Dr. Darryl

L. Darryl Armstrong

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